Virtual Professional Development Experience
Vanguard Solutions Consulting is excited that you will be a part of a POWERed Up and Ready to GROW Virtual Professional Development Experience. Our mission is to maximize human performance in teamwork through information, education and training.
We provide Learning Experiences that are different by design.
Our POWERed Up Experiences are:
This POWERed Up Virtual PD Experience Will Feature...

Module 1 -
Let's Get Motivated...
Thriving In Times Of Crisis
This session will empower you to have a positive attitude and enthusiastic outlook during challenging times and difficult situations. This type of attitude can catapult catapult you to victory and success despite the obstacles you may face during the turbulent times we are faced with in our country.

Module 2 -
Optimal Wellness For Effective Performance
Wellness is not merely the absence of illness or distress, it is striving for positive physical, mental and social well-being. It is a lifelong process of making decisions that support a more balanced life to maximize your potential. The goal of this module is for each attendee to move closer to obtaining
"Optimal Wellness"

Module 3 -
What's Your FLAVA? Effective Communication & Team Building
The What's Your FLAVA? system can help teams address these challenges and create a more harmonious and effective work environment.